What’s the reason for a change as such in title into Mengyouhuāuantu(夢遊花園圖) at Qiwulun(齊物論) by Zhuāgzǐ implying no distinction between reality and dream or the brevity of human life?

First of all, he seems to intend to hide himself behind the canvas, and prefers to communicate indirectly.
It is a strategy of idealistic transcendence, and indirect dialogue, sometimes stronger than direct one.
Secondly, his strategy is focused upon icons with different meanings.
For example, the peony flowers, implying wealth and honor, and the cherry flower, implying chastity, candor and spiritual beauty, are scattered on the canvas. That was not all.
The butterflies, horses, birds, etc. are mingled with them.
In a word, it is the collection of different icons. They are freely dancing on the canvas with the objects of similar significance. In another words, it is a narrative of icons, the sets of objects appearing or speaking for his dream, sometimes opposite to his reality, but sometimes quite remote from reality.